Sustainable and responsible investing (SRI), or occasionally coined as ESG (Environment, Social & Corporate Governance) investing, has become mainstreamed among investors today. SRI broadens the horizon of investors’ considerations, enabling them to account for ESG issues such as climate change, human rights and board independence when investing. Applying SRI is much more than just doing for a good cause as many investors believe that ESG issues could undermine the stock and financial performance of their investee companies. In fact, the onset of COVID-19 pandemic attested to that belief, where sustainable equity funds were able to hold up better and outperformed conventional funds in 1Q 2020 (Morningstar, 3 Apr 2020).
Below is one of the SRI advocates in Asia - Singular Asset Management (“Singular”), which will share some insights into its ESG commitments and service offerings. Singular is an external fund manager of CIMB Private Banking.