

CIMB recognises the profound importance of biodiversity and ecosystem integrity, as they underpin essential ecosystem services crucial for both people and businesses. The disruption caused by overexploitation of natural ecosystems necessitates a commitment to safeguard and enhance these vital components. CIMB is committed to playing our part in protecting and enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem integrity. 


Failing to account for nature-related risks in our financing portfolio could expose us to reputational damage and significant financial risks, including physical, transition, and systemic risks. CIMB's long-term approach involves managing potential negative impacts from financing, and concurrently delivering products and services that positively impact the environment and society, thus creating a balance between risk management and positive societal contributions.

No Deforestation, No Peat, and No Exploitation​


In 2022, we rolled out our No Deforestation, No Peat, and No Exploitation (NDPE) commitment to the palm oil, forestry and timber plantation sectors in Malaysia and Indonesia, and are continuing to roll this out to other countries and sectors in phases.


Under our NDPE policy, we will not finance or facilitate capital raising for companies that: ​

  • Are directly involved in the new conversion of High Conservation Value (HCV) areas;​

  • Are directly involved in the new conversion on peat;​

  • Lack legal rights and a policy/commitment on respecting free, prior, and informed consent of indigenous and local communities; or​

  • Lack policy/commitment on no exploitation of workers are respecting labour rights.

We also strongly encourage processors, such as palm oil mills, to implement traceability systems for external crop suppliers, construct an assurance method to guarantee crops are lawfully sourced, and engage with external suppliers on their own NDPE standards.​