
Global heating is affecting us, our clients’ businesses and communities that matter to us. Recent climatic events such as heatwaves have underscored the susceptibility of our economy, infrastructure and public health to extreme weather conditions. Meanwhile, the evolving regulatory landscape is reshaping the way climate risks should be managed across sectors. The emergence of greenwashing risks accentuates the need for more robust internal control and transparency among companies.


As a financial institution, CIMB faces direct climate-related physical and transition risks (such as shifts in banking regulations) and indirect risks through our financing and investment activities. These climate-related risks could result in financial losses and affect our capacity to deliver value to our stakeholders, by way of manifesting through other risk types such as heightened Credit Risk (which is most significant for CIMB), Market Risk, Liquidity Risk, Reputational Risk, and Operational Risk. It's crucial for us to recognize and address these risks to maintain our climate commitment to our stakeholders and the broader community.


We seek to provide our stakeholders, and in particular our investors and clients, with decision-useful and up-to-date information on our climate risks and performance. This disclosure also reinforces our commitment to achieve net zero GHG Scope 1 & 2 emissions in our operations by 2030 and overall Net Zero GHG by 2050.


As an official supporter of the recommendations of the Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), we aim to fully align our climate-related disclosures with the TCFD recommendations by 2024.


Structured based on the TCFD core pillars of Governance, Strategy, Risk Management, and Metrics & Targets, this section on Climate Change: Strategy and Risks marks CIMB’s first holistic endeavour to provide TCFD-aligned disclosures.



CIMB's Group Board is ultimately responsible for all sustainability matters within the Group, including climate change. The Group Sustainability and Governance Committee advises on strategic sustainability matters, focusing on the climate change strategy. The Board Risk and Compliance Committee establishes climate risk appetite and management practices, the Audit Committee ensures internal control against climate risks, and the Group Nomination and Remuneration Committee assesses board-level climate competency.​

Management-wise, the Group Transformation Committee (GTC) and Group Sustainability Council are key players. The GSC, led by the Group Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) and featuring regional and cross-functional representatives, designs and oversees the Group's climate change strategy, goals, targets, and action plans. It also establishes portfolio and sector-specific targets aligned with the Group's commitments in the Net Zero Banking Alliance. On the other hand, the GTC, led by the Group Chief Executive Officer, ensures the timely and effective execution of the Forward23+ Sustainability Programme, which includes climate-related projects.​

The Group Sustainability Division, led by the CSO, addresses scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions with frameworks, policies, and strategies, including internal carbon pricing. They also assist other units. The Group Administration and Property Management team works to reduce operational impacts and physical climate risks, collaborating with the Group Sustainability team to cut GHG emissions and improve resource efficiency. In 2022, the Climate Risk Unit was established under Group Risk as the second line of defense. It complements Group Sustainability by assessing climate-related risks from financing and investment activities.​


CIMB Group's commitment to sustainability, including climate change, is demonstrated by the fact that our CEO, top management, and all divisions have sustainability key performance indicators (KPIs). Sustainability-linked remuneration is an effective way of ensuring that our leadership, business units, and enabling functions remain focused on our sustainability goals. Summary of the KPIs for our CEO and top management as below:

Name of Executives Incentive Type KPIs

Chief Executive Officers


Country CEOs for Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Cambodia as follow:


Dato’ Abdul Rahman Ahmad

Group CEO / CEO CIMB Bank


Lani Darmawan

President Director & CEO, CIMB Niaga


Victor Lee Meng Teck

CEO, CIMB Singapore


Paul Wong Chee Kin,

President & CEO, CIMB Thai


Bun Yin

CEO, CIMB Cambodia


Emission reduction


KPI to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions in 2022 compared against our 2019 baseline.

Group Risk - Chief Risk Officer

Vera Handajani


Emission reduction


Implementation of a flood risk assessment pilot on Malaysia’s mortgage book

Business Unit Managers


Group Consumer Banking

Group Wholesale Banking

Group Commercial Banking


Emission reduction


Green financing mobilised for retail and non-retail clients.


CIMB Group Plays a Shaping Role in the Formulation of National Policies and Regulations


Shaping National Policies and Taxonomy’s for Malaysia’s banking sector with Financial Regulators and Industry Players 

The central bank of Malaysia (Bank Negara Malaysia or BNM) together with Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) jointly established a committee to mobilise collective action in Malaysia’s financial sector to promote climate mitigation and resilience in both the sector and the wider economy. This committee is called the Joint Committee on Climate Change (JC3). The JC3 committee and its various subcommittees are comprised of representatives from BNM, SC, financial institutions, and other relevant parties. 


The inputs, insights, and recommendations arising from JC3 are used to shape sustainability policies and regulations set by financial authorities and regulators of Malaysia i.e. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC). Examples of Climate policies in Malaysia include Climate Risk Management Scenario Analysis, and the Climate Change Principles-Based Taxonomy. 


The JC3 is chaired by the financial authorities and regulators of Malaysia i.e. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) which regulates and develops the Malaysian capital market. CIMB co-chairs the JC3 Subcommittee’s Transition Risk Working Group (TRWG) and JC3 Subcommittee on Governance and Disclosure and is an active contributor to many other subcommittees and working groups. Our work in this committee directly influences the development of the regulators national policies and taxonomies.



Informing National Policies in Malaysia with Industry Players

In 2020 CIMB co-founded a coalition of leaders called the CEO Action Network (CAN) which is intended to shape policies, win stakeholders, and create a favourable ecosystem for sustainable businesses and sustainable development in Malaysia. We are an active member of the CAN Steering Committee and Chair of the Working Group.


Malaysia’s government emphasises a ‘Whole of Society’ approach to address the climate emergency. CAN partners with Climate Governance Malaysia to drive a series of multi-ministerial engagements to arrive at policy recommendations and CAN members' commitments to support climate action. 

Collaborating with National Governments to tackle climate change through policies, strategies, and actions

To elevate Malaysia’s participation at COP28, Malaysia’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability has set up the Advisory Panel of Climate Change, which consists of key ministries, Government-linked Investment Companies (GLICs), Government-linked Companies (GLCs), the private sector, finance institutions and academics. A Consultation Panel on Climate Change has also been established to obtain views and input from NGOs, CSOs, vulnerable communities and youth.


Both panels play a crucial role in bridging the gap between scientific knowledge, policy decisions, and societal needs. By bringing together a diverse range of expertise and perspectives, they contribute to more informed, effective, and holistic approaches to tackling climate change, as well as related policies, strategies and actions.


CIMB is a member of the Climate Change Advisory Panel and Business Advisory Group of the Implementation of the National Policy on Biological Diversity to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability, and Consultative Group for the Advisory Committee on Sustainability Reporting.


Aligning Lobbying Activities with 1.5°C


We endeavour to ensure that any lobbying activities relevant to climate policy is consistent with our stated objectives in delivering the 1.5°C ambition of the Paris Agreement.  In the event of any misalignment between a trade association’s lobbying activities and the goals of the Paris Agreement, CIMB's position is to actively advocate for the goals of the Paris Agreement. Where misalignments persist we will enact our escalation process which entails engaging with said association with a clear timeline for actions be taken, or if unsuccessful we may issue a public statement distancing CIMB from the misalignment, or leave the trade association.

International Climate Advocacy


We attend the annual UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP). At COP28, we shared CIMB’s climate journey and insights in various forums and supported BNM and the Securities Commission Malaysia in profiling sustainable finance in Malaysia.


As members of international and local working groups and through our work with regulators and industry, we advocate for national and company level emission reduction plans to achieve net zero in line with the Paris Agreement, enabled by policy measures. We also actively engage with a range of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to both learn from and contribute to our collective sustainability journey.


We advocate for climate action by working closely with industry partners and regulatory bodies to encourage broader adoption and alignment to the ambitions of the Paris Agreement. These include: 


Alliance Our Involvement Is the organisation’s climate position aligned with the aim and ambition of the Paris Agreement?

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Sustainable Trade Financing Working Group

We are an active member of the ICC Sustainable Trade Finance Working Group, an initiative that was set up in 2016 to develop best practice standards for sustainable trade. Yes. The ICC Centenary Declaration recognises the escalating climate emergency and wholly endorses the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C. Learn more here.

Net Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA)

We are the first ASEAN bank to join the NZBA, which forms part of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ). Members of NZBA are committed to aligning their investments and lending with Net Zero emissions by 2050. The alliance works to reinforce, accelerate and support the implementation of decarbonisation strategies, providing an internationally coherent framework and guidelines, supported by peer learning. Yes. Members of NZBA are committed to aligning their investments and lending with Net Zero emissions by 2050. Learn more here.
United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative: Principles of Responsible Banking We are one of the Founding Signatories of the Principles for Responsible Banking, committing to strategically align its business with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.  As a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Banking, CIMB joins a coalition of 142 banks worldwide, representing over 41% of global banking assets, committed to play a crucial role towards achieving a sustainable future. Yes. As Founding Signatories of the Principles for Responsible Banking, committing to strategically align its business with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Learn more here.
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) We are a participant of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and a member of the Malaysia network. Launched in 2000, the UNGC is a leading voluntary initiative that encourages global businesses to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies based on ten principles covering human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. Yes. UNGC’s ambition is to accelerate and scale the global collective impact of business by upholding the Ten Principles and delivering the SDGs through accountable companies and ecosystems that enable change. Learn more here.
CEO Action Network (CAN) We co-founded the CEO Action Network (CAN) with our partner, IMPACTO, in 2020 to create a closed-door peer-to-peer informal network of CEOs and board members committed to driving sustainable action in corporate Malaysia. With more than 70 members from over 20 critical sectors, CAN aspires to catalyse its members and the broader economy towards proactively shaping future-ready and ESG-integrated business models and ecosystems. No. There is no mention of the organisation being aligned to the Paris Agreement. However CAN was formed to create a favourable ecosystem for businesses and sustainable development in Malaysia in support of the Malaysian government’s approach which emphasises a ‘Whole of Society’ approach to address the climate emergency. Learn more here.
Joint Committee on Climate Change (JC3) We play an active role in the Joint Committee on Climate Change (JC3), co-chaired by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC). JC3 works to mobilise collective action in Malaysia’s financial sector to promote climate resilience both within the sector and in the wider economy. The inputs, insights, and recommendations arising from JC3 are used to shape sustainability policies and regulations set by BNM and the SC. Currently, CIMB co-chairs the JC3 Subcommittee on Governance and Disclosure. Yes.  BNM’s climate strategies both contribute to, and are informed by, Malaysia’s national strategies to meet national commitments made under the Paris Agreement 2015. BNM's approach to climate risk is supported by six tracks of BNM's key functions. Learn more here.
Value Based Intermediation (VBI)

We are strong advocates of BNM’s Value-Based Intermediation (VBI), which aims to deliver the intended outcomes of Shariah through practices, conduct and offerings that generate positive and sustainable value for the economy, community, and environment, and are consistent with the commitment to benefitting shareholders’ sustainable returns and long-term interests. CIMB Islamic is currently part of the sub-working group for the VBI Financing and Investment Impact Assessment Framework (VBIAF) Sectoral Guide on Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing.


Yes.  BNM’s climate strategies both contribute to, and are informed by, Malaysia’s national strategies to meet national commitments made under the Paris Agreement 2015. BNM's approach to climate risk is supported by six tracks of BNM's key functions. Learn more here.

Roadmap to 2030​


We have a robust roadmap to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 emissions to net zero by 2030. Our all-encompassing approach has resulted in a four-pronged strategy designed to address current and long-term operational GHG emissions in an effective, responsible, and resilient manner. Our future capex will align to the following levers:



Our high-level pathway to net zero 2030 is shown in the diagram below. However, this is a forward-looking projection and we anticipate changes in the future based on advancements in technology, policy changes by the government, or new energy schemes in the market.

Short-Term Initiatives (2022 - 2025)


Our focus in the shorter term is on initiatives that yield quick energy-saving returns. Such initiatives include switching to energy-efficient LED lighting, incorporating motion sensors and phasing out old and inefficient single split unit cooling systems. A combination of lighting and cooling upgrades, together with electric vehicle charging, is planned for a selected group of branches pioneering sustainability at CIMB.


Medium-Term Initiatives (2025 - 2027)


Medium-term initiatives require greater expenditure but will yield greater savings. These include automated central monitoring systems, chiller replacements or connections to district cooling systems, and renewable energy systems. While we prefer onsite renewable energy systems, there are limited opportunities within our premises due to the need for sufficiently large roof spaces. We have started with a solar system at some of our headquarters, with plans to install solar photovoltaic (PV) systems for selected head offices and branches across the region.


Additionally, we will purchase Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) progressively for each country. RECs are market-based instruments representing the rights to renewable electricity generation's environmental benefits. They are issued when one megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity is generated and delivered to the electricity grid from a renewable energy resource. 


Long-Term Initiatives (Beyond 2027)


CIMB is exploring the purchase of green electricity via available market mechanisms such as the Virtual Power Purchase Agreement (VPPA). Such a mechanism enables organisations like ours to indirectly purchase renewable energy from renewable or solar power providers via the national energy grid on a long-term basis.


We envisage the purchase of high-quality carbon credits, tradable certificates or permits representing the right to emit a set amount of carbon dioxide to tackle our residual scope 1 GHG emissions. However, as the cost of carbon offsets is projected to increase in the coming years, these credits will only be purchased after all other options to reduce carbon emissions have been carried out.

Our GHG Accounting Approach


We calculate and report our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, a widely recognized international standard. We utilize the operational control approach, which means we account for 100% of the emissions from operations over which we have control.

The approach and methodology we use to calculate our GHG emissions are categorized into the three main scopes defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol:


Scope 1: Direct emissions from sources that we control, including:

  • Emissions from on-site fuel combustion for electricity generation
  • Fuel use in mobile combustion sources such as company vehicles and mobile generators
  • Fugitive emissions from refrigerants used in air-conditioners are located within our operations


Scope 2: Indirect emissions from purchased electricity, heat, or steam that we use. We report both location-based and market-based methods for Scope 2 emissions.

  • Location-based: Reflects the average emissions intensity of the power grid from which we purchase electricity
  • Market-based: Accounts for the specific electricity sources (e.g., renewables) we purchase through green energy mechanism


General Calculation Methodology

We gather energy, fuel and refrigerant consumption data from electricity bills, fuel invoices, and facility management records.


We utilize recognized standard emission factors to convert energy consumption into CO2-equivalent emissions. These factors are sourced from reputable organizations like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) or relevant national authorities.


Depending on data availability and accuracy, we employ a combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches for data collection.


Transparency and Improvement

We are committed to transparency in our reporting and continually strive to improve the accuracy and completeness of our GHG emissions calculations. We will periodically review and update our methodology as needed to reflect best practices and evolving industry standards.

Due to inherent limitations in data collection and estimation methodologies, our GHG emissions calculations may include a degree of uncertainty. We have established a materiality threshold of 5% for our GHG emissions inventory. If any emission source is identified that exceeds this threshold and was not previously accounted for, we will restate our GHG emissions for the affected period. We are committed to ongoing improvement in data quality and will strive to reduce these uncertainties over time.

Internal Carbon Price


As an economic incentive for business units and operating entities across the Group’s markets to reduce their emissions, we set up an Internal Carbon Price (ICP) framework in 2021 where operating entities and business units will be charged a penalty for every tonne of Scope 1 or Scope 2 GHG emissions that is in excess of their divisional cap. The ICP was introduced at a country level in 2021. It has been rolled out at a divisional level in 2023.


The objectives of ICP include:

  • To prepare for GHG regulations such as carbon taxes.
  • To drive internal behavioural changes by putting an additional charge on carbon emissions.
  • To include carbon costs into our own investments and upgrades, such that higher carbon investments would yield poorer returns.


Based on benchmarks and projections of prices of renewable energy certificates and carbon credits, as well as carbon taxes, the ICP has been set at RM70 per tonne for 2023. By 2030, we expect to ramp up ICP to between RM275 and RM355 per tonne. Proceeds will be reinvested into green capital expenditure to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions or purchase RECs and carbon offsets as needed.


Scope 3 Operational Emissions


In addition to Scopes 1 and 2, we recognize the environmental impact extends beyond our direct operations. We take a comprehensive approach by calculating our Scope 3 emissions, which encompass the indirect emissions associated with our value chain. This includes:


  • Category 1: Purchased Water Emissions - We account for the emissions associated with the extraction, treatment, and delivery of the water we use in our operations.

  • Category 5: Waste Emissions - We consider the emissions generated throughout the lifecycle of the waste we produce, including disposal and potential recycling processes.

  • Category 6: Business Travel - We estimate the emissions generated by employee air travel, car rentals, and other forms of business travel.

  • Category 15: Financed Emissions - We assess the greenhouse gas emissions generated by the activities of the companies and projects we finance.

Category 15 is particularly important for banks like us as it allows us to understand the environmental impact of our lending and investment activities. As a Net Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA) member, we are dedicated to aligning our financing and investment portfolio with a 1.5-degree Celsius temperature rise limit by 2100. This requires reducing client emissions and achieving carbon neutrality in our portfolios. We’re actively developing strategies and making essential internal and client-focused changes in our climate change efforts. For more information on this, refer to our Climate Risk & Strategy section.


We are committed to continuously improving our understanding of our environmental impact. We will progressively include additional Scope 3 categories in the future to provide a more holistic view of our footprint and identify further opportunities for improvement across our entire business ecosystem.

Scope 3 Financed Emissions


Ensuring a just transition to a Net Zero future in Southeast Asia is imperative for achieving inclusive growth in the region's predominantly emerging economies. This journey involves addressing unique challenges, including reliance on primary and extractive industries, the entrenched use of fossil fuels in the energy mix, and the fragmented nature of agricultural production. A successful transition requires engaging companies and communities dependent on carbon-intensive activities, guiding them towards sustainable alternatives, or even fostering new businesses integral to the Net Zero economy. Only through such inclusive efforts can Southeast Asia realise a Net Zero future with equitable societal benefits.


We recognise the important role we play to enable and accelerate this process through the financing and investment decisions we make. As such, in line with our commitment to achieve Net Zero by 2050, we have developed sector-specific 2030 climate targets and accompanying transition plans for some of the most carbon-intensive sectors in our portfolio to manage our Scope 3 financed emissions.


In 2022, targets were established for the Coal and Cement sectors, followed by targets for the Power and Palm Oil sectors in 2023. In our latest version of Our Path to Net Zero: Charting a Course to Decarbonisation Whitepaper, we are additionally announcing our targets for the Oil and Gas and Real Estate sectors. Our targets cover the majority of our financed emissions, and are designed to put us on the path to Net Zero financed emissions by 2050.


In setting our 2030 Targets, we are mitigating the climate risks in our portfolio and moving to establish our role in financing the activities that underpin the Net Zero economy of the future. More importantly, our plans to achieve our targets declare our clear intention to work closely with existing and new clients to develop, enable and accelerate their transition plans towards Net Zero. In supporting the success of our clients and their stakeholders, we are also securing ours.





As a Net Zero Banking Alliance member, we aim to align our financing and investments with Net Zero by 2050, limiting the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2100. This means reducing client emissions and achieving carbon neutrality in our portfolios. We're taking a calculated approach to addressing climate change, with significant work ahead to develop the right strategies and enact necessary changes, both internally and with our clients.

Scope 3 Financed Emissions


As a financial institution, our largest emission type is our Scope 3 Category 15 (Investment) emissions, contributing more than 99% of our overall emissions. This category of emissions are attributed to the business activities of our clients that we finance and invest in, and their respective value chains.


In 2022, we disclosed our first portfolio financed emissions inventory covering our FY2021 on-balance sheet financing for clients across four key operational markets: Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand. The scope of our FY2021 financed emissions included nine carbon-intensive sectors (Agriculture, Aluminium, Cement, Coal, Iron & Steel, Oil & Gas, Real Estate, Transport, and Power) and four asset classes (Business Loans and Unlisted Equity, Commercial Real Estate, Mortgages, and Motor Vehicle Loans).


In 2023, we established our first baseline as of 31 December 2022 which included an updated calculation methodology and expanded our coverage to include an additional asset class, Listed Equities and Corporate Bonds and expansion of the Utilities Sector to include non-power generation segments. In estimating our financed emissions, we reference the Global GHG Accounting and Reporting Standard developed by the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF Standard) and the UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) Guidelines for Climate Target Setting for Banks.


In November 2023, we published Version 1.0 of Our Path to Net Zero: Charting a Course to Decarbonisation whitepaper, outlining our approach and methodologies for setting 2030 Net Zero sector-specific targets and high-level transition strategies. This version focused on targets for four sectors: Thermal Coal Mining, Cement, Palm Oil, and Power. In July 2024, we released Version 2.0, which added targets for Oil and Gas and Real Estate, superseding Version 1.0. While our portfolio financed emissions provide an overview of emissions attributed to assets within our financing and investment portfolio, our sector-specific targets provide the reduction goals and 1.5°C aligned pathways for carbon-intensive segments based on historical emissions and future reduction potential.

CIMB's 2023 Financed Emissions


In 2023, our total attributed financed emissions (Scope 1 and 2) associated with our nine most carbon-intensive sectors amounted to 18,816,782 tCO2e, a 2.6% increase from our 2022 emissions. 




1. Our 2022 baseline was established based on the Group’s Financed Emissions Calculation Methodology. This was enhanced in 2023 to cover, among others, the following:

  • Calculation and estimation approach for the newly added Listed Equity and Corporate Bonds asset class; 
  • Inclusion/exclusion of selected sub-sectors and/or clients to be subjected to financed emissions assessment (i.e., in-scope exposures assessed for financed emissions);
  • An updated list of PCAF emission factors as of March 2023;
  • Revised assumptions including estimated local/regional statistical data on distance travelled for motor vehicle loans asset class and average floor area per building type for mortgage asset class, as well as the baseline recalculation criteria.

2. Financed emissions for FY2021 were not restated or recalculated per the enhanced Financed Emissions Calculation Methodology on the grounds that FY2022 serves as the base year for the Group’s financed emissions inventory, in line with the base year used in selected sector-specific climate targets of the Group, and that the recalculation of previous years’ performance requires a significant level of effort to complete. Any variations in terms of absolute emissions between FY2021-2022 are not solely an indication of the Group’s decarbonisation outcomes but rather attributable to methodological differences.


  • The Agriculture sector emission intensity increased by 9.8% compared to 2022, due to the higher emissions from the growth of the upstream Palm and Poultry portfolio in Indonesia.
  • The Cement sector emission intensity declined by 36.4% compared to 2022, mainly attributed to financing maturity of several high emission intensity clients.
  • Though our Coal sector emission intensity increased by 6.2% compared to 2022, our overall exposure for the sector declined by 10%, in line with our target to exit Thermal Coal Mining by 2040.
  • The Iron, Steel & Aluminium sector’s emission intensity decreased by 12.6%, which can be attributed to the shift of financing composition from upstream segments i.e., mining and extraction, towards the manufacturing and production activities.
  • The Real Estate portfolio intensity increased by 14.5%, driven by a 35% increase in exposure to the Commercial Real Estate asset class, and the doubling of gross floor area.

For more detailed information, please refer to the following:


2023 Financed Emissions Supplementary Report for our financed emissions, scope, methodology and limitations.


Our Path to Net Zero: Charting a Course to Decarbonisation Whitepaper Version 2.0 for our sector-specific Net Zero targets.


Sustainability Report 2023 (Pg. 60-63) for our latest progress against sector targets.

Risk Management


We are guided by our Sustainability Risk Management Framework, which ensures that our approach to the assessment and management of sustainability risks is consistent with the Group’s Enterprise-wide Risk Management Framework.


Sustainability Risk, which includes climate-related Transition Risk and Physical Risk, is recognised both as a principal and a cross-cutting risk that can impact other risk categories such as credit risk, reputational risk, operational risk, market risk, as well as liquidity and funding risk. In light of this, we have initiated a review of the Group Risk Library to provide clarity to the interconnected nature of Sustainability Risk (including climate) as well as the roles and responsibilities of various parties in managing such risks across the organisation.


Assessing and managing our exposure to climate-related risks

We apply a multi-faceted approach to climate risk assessment, guided by the following principles:

  • Embed Climate Risk Considerations
    Wherever possible, we embed climate risk considerations into an existing risk ecosystem, such as our Enterprise-wide Risk Management Framework, Group Risk Library, among others

  • Take Risk-based Approach
    We take a risk-based approach to assessing and managing climate risks, focusing on areas that are most material to CIMB and the climate

  • Deploy Quantitative Tools
    We use quantitative tools and contextualise climate risks using common risk and financial metrics, especially for scenario analysis and stress testing

  • Constantly Strengthen Data
    We continually develop and strengthen the quality of climate data such as improving the availability and quality of our clients’ greenhouse gas emissions

  • Synergise Top-down, Bottom-up Assessments
    We converge top-down portfolio-level assessment with bottom-up customer-level analysis to gain meaningful insights and enable more targeted actions

Emerging Risk


Emerging Risk Potential Business Impact Mitigating Actions

Biodiversity Loss and Ecosystem Collapse


Biodiversity Loss  
Decline in the variety and abundance of species, as well as the degradation of ecosystems and the services they provide. This loss can occur due to a range of factors, including habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, overexploitation of resources and invasive species.  
Ecosystem Collapse  
Rapid and irreversible loss of the structure, function and services of an ecosystem. This loss can occur when an ecosystem experiences a major disturbance, such as a natural disaster, disease outbreak, or human intervention, that disrupts the delicate balance of interactions between species and the physical environment.


Biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse pose significant risks to human wellbeing and the global economy. These include:  
• Reduced productivity, which can impact the supply chain, leading to reduced food security  
• Increased disease transmission due to the destruction of biological pest control systems  
• Negative impacts that disproportionately affect vulnerable communities  
• Disruption to businesses dependent on ecosystem services for their operations.  
In the context of financial institutions, potential negative impacts can be direct and/or indirect from lending, financing, investing and underwriting activities.


We recognise the importance of biodiversity protection and restoration in maintaining a balanced ecosystem. CIMB has been actively involved in the following:  

• Contributing to government policy consultations and industry working groups to shape future policies  
• Exploring with industry players to understand the challenges and brainstorming for holistic solutions  
• Participating in international discussion forums to explore best practices.  
We plan to develop our overarching Biodiversity Strategy and Roadmap in 2024.





Shortage of Sustainability Professionals


There is a small subset of the talent pool available that has both banking and sustainability expertise, thus making it critical to identify, attract, develop and retain the right people to drive and ensure continual improvement of CIMB’s sustainability agenda.












Without this specialised talent pool, the Bank may face significant hurdles such as:  

• Limitations to the effectiveness and progress of our sustainability initiatives, potentially slowing down innovation and strategic implementation  
• Reduced capacity to navigate and excel within the rapidly changing sustainable finance sector, diminishing our competitive advantage










To meet the growing need for specialised professionals in sustainability, our strategies include:  
• Enhancing internal capabilities via our Sustainability Academy, through targeted learning and training programmes to embed a culture of sustainability and embedding these into existing talent development initiatives  
• Establishing an Integrated Sustainability Operating Model (ISOM) to deepen the engagement of business units/enablers in Sustainability efforts, including appointing division-level sustainability specialists or champions, achieved through internal transfers or new hires  
• Scaling up The Complete Bankers – Sustainability and the Sustainability Fellows Programme to identify and cultivate the next generation of sustainability change-makers.

Greenwashing Risk


CIMB’s commitments, such as achieving Net Zero by 2050, and No Deforestation, No Peat and No Exploitation are typically phased in across our operating markets. For example, in 2022, we rolled out our NDPE commitment requirement in larger markets, while smaller markets adopted the policy in 2023. In addition, expectations and standards of being a responsible bank are rapidly ratcheting up.  
Furthermore, a large number of parties within CIMB communicate with stakeholders about CIMB’s sustainability efforts across multiple channels. This opens up the risk of miscommunication or overstating of our sustainability claims.



Navigating the risks of greenwashing is essential for the Bank to maintain integrity and trust. Inability to recognise its potential impacts may lead to:  
• Increased regulatory scrutiny  
• Harm to our reputation, affecting continued market competitiveness  
• Regulatory scrutiny due to inappropriate measures to adhere to compliance  
• Inability to maintain investor confidence, resulting in potential withdrawal of support  
• Decline in workforce productivity due to reduced employee morale and successful quality recruitments






We prioritise the following strategies to counter the risks of greenwashing:  
• Instituting controls and monitoring mechanisms to ensure we honour our specific commitments and uphold transparency in our disclosures  
• Minimising the time gap from when a policy/ commitment is announced to when it is implemented across our geographical footprint  
• Reviewing our policies and commitments regularly to align our practices with rising stakeholder expectations
• Piloting our Sustainability Communication and Product Governance Procedure (slated to roll out in 2024) to prevent over-claims  
• Monitoring of sector-specific climate-intensity metrics on an annual basis to ensure sector targets are met



Anti-ESG Sentiments


The rising political divide on climate change and anti-ESG sentiments casts uncertainty over the international climate agenda.


Financial institutions and investors are navigating an increasingly polarised world on ESG sentiments, particularly in the US, characterised by attempts to ban investments based on ESG criteria which received mainstream media attention, and the exit of some of the world’s largest asset managers and insurers from international coalitions such as the Net Zero Insurance Alliance and Climate Action 100+.


Despite the above, COP28 resulted in several notable steps forward including the decision to “transition away” from fossil fuels, tripling renewable energy generation capacity by 2030, establishing the loss and damage fund, among others.



Anti-ESG sentiments encompasses the impact of political, economic and social changes across different regions. The rise of the anti-ESG sentiment is a significant geopolitical factor influencing the global sustainability effort.


Some of the notable impacts that may arise from anti-ESG sentiment are:


• Governments under pressure or influenced by anti-ESG sentiments may introduce policies that oppose or undermine ESG initiatives causing an unstable and unpredictable business environment and making it challenging for CIMB to maintain our sustainability commitments

• Anti-ESG movements can shift economic priorities towards less sustainable industries with policies which favor non-ESG sectors resulting in reduced financing in sustainable projects and increased volatility of investment decisions

• Anti-ESG sentiment may delay innovation in green technologies such as carbon capture and renewable energy

Ensure CIMB’s climate-related commitments, plans and targets are socialised with, and account for various interests of key stakeholders such as policy makers, government agencies, regulators, investors, industry bodies, and companies, before issuing public announcements. This is to reduce the likelihood and impact of being unable to achieve our committed target, of the commitment being politicised, or of accusations of greenwashing.















We assessed our company-specific risk exposure using a risk matrix to depict the short-term and long-term impact and the likelihood of each individual risk. For two identified risks i.e. Shortage of Sustainability Professionals and Anti-ESG Sentiments, the likelihood and the impact is High, Low and Low, Medium respectively.